Selected publications

Peer Reviewed Book Chapter
Ficarra, J., Topacio Long, M., Vega, R. (forthcoming 2021). Centering Local Knowledge: Decolonial Perspectives on Sustainability in Education Abroad. In K. McBride & P. Nikula (Eds.), Sustainability in Education Abroad. Standards in Action Publication Series. The Forum on Education Abroad.
Ficarra, J. (2020). Move Over Medici: Italy Chapter in Chapter in People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education. In G. Malfatti (Ed.). People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
Ficarra, J. (2019). Local partners as teachers and learners in education abroad: Introducing a local partner engagement process model. In A. Ogden & E. Brewer (Eds.), Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives on Education Abroad. Virginia: Stylus & NAFSA.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Ficarra, J. (2017). Curating Cartographies of Knowledge: Reading Institutional Study Abroad Portfolios as Text. Frontiers: The Journal of Study Abroad.
Ficarra, J. (2017). Comparative International Approaches to Better Understanding Refugee Learners. Issues in Teacher Education, 16 (2): 15-31.
Ficarra, J. (2016). Graduate Student Research Spotlight: “Producing the Global Classroom: Exploring the Impact of Study Abroad on Host Communities”. Comparative International Higher Education, 8:5.
Ficarra, J., Cottrell, K., Burton S. & Miller, K. (2016). Mapping the Curriculum of the ‘Global’ City: From Bogotá to Berlin. The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 1(2):45-61.
Other Published Work
Ficarra, J. (forthcoming 2021). Extending Colonial Critiques Beyond International Service-Learning in the Global South: The Case of Florence, Italy. In CAPA Occasional Publications. “Empires of the Mind? (Post)colonialism and Decolonizing Education Abroad. Boston: CAPA.
Ficarra, J. (2020). Learning from Critique: How Critical Education Abroad Should Alter the Agenda. NAFSA Trends and Insights. Washington, DC: NAFSA.